Source code for resdk.query

""".. Ignore pydocstyle D400.

Resolwe Query

.. autoclass:: resdk.ResolweQuery

import collections
import copy
import logging
import operator

import tqdm

from resdk.resources import AnnotationField, DescriptorSchema, Process
from resdk.resources.base import BaseResource

[docs]class ResolweQuery: """Query resource endpoints. A Resolwe instance (for example "res") has several endpoints: - - res.collection - res.sample - res.process - ... Each such endpoint is an instance of the ResolweQuery class. ResolweQuery supports queries on corresponding objects, for example: .. code-block:: python # return Data object with ID 42. res.sample.filter(contributor=1) # return all samples made by contributor 1 This object is lazy loaded which means that actual request is made only when needed. This enables composing multiple filters, for example: .. code-block:: python'My object') is the same as: .. code-block:: python, name='My object') This is especially useful, because all endpoints at Resolwe instance are such queries and can be filtered further before transferring any data. To get a list of all supported query parameters, use one that does not exist and you will et a helpful error message with a list of allowed ones. .. code-block:: python"bar") """ _cache = None _count = ( None # number of objects in current query (without applied limit and offset) ) _limit = None _offset = None _filters = None resolwe = None resource = None slug_field = None endpoint = None api = None logger = None def __init__(self, resolwe, resource, slug_field="slug"): """Initialize attributes.""" self.resolwe = resolwe self.resource = resource self.slug_field = slug_field self.endpoint = resource.query_endpoint or resource.endpoint self.api = operator.attrgetter(self.endpoint)(resolwe.api) self._filters = collections.defaultdict(list) self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _non_string_iterable(self, item) -> bool: """Return True when item is iterable but not string.""" return isinstance(item, and not isinstance(item, str) def __getitem__(self, index): """Retrieve an item or slice from the set of results.""" if not isinstance(index, (slice, int)): raise TypeError if ( (not isinstance(index, slice) and index < 0) or ( isinstance(index, slice) and index.start is not None and index.start < 0 ) or (isinstance(index, slice) and index.stop is not None and index.stop < 0) ): raise ValueError("Negative indexing is not supported.") if isinstance(index, slice) and index.step is not None: raise ValueError("`step` parameter in slice is not supported") if self._cache is not None: return self._cache[index] new_query = self._clone() if isinstance(index, slice): if self._offset or self._limit: raise NotImplementedError("You cannot slice already sliced query.") start = 0 if index.start is None else int(index.start) stop = ( 1000000 if index.stop is None else int(index.stop) ) # default to something big new_query._offset = start new_query._limit = stop - start return new_query new_query._offset = self._offset + index if self._offset else index new_query._limit = 1 query_list = list(new_query) if not query_list: raise IndexError("list index out of range") return query_list[0] def __iter__(self): """Return iterator over the current object.""" self._fetch() return iter(self._cache) def __repr__(self): """Return string representation of the current object.""" self._fetch() rep = "[{}]".format(",\n ".join(str(obj) for obj in self._cache)) return rep def __len__(self): """Return length of results of current query.""" return self.count() def _clone(self): """Return copy of current object with empty cache.""" new_obj = self.__class__(self.resolwe, self.resource) new_obj._filters = copy.deepcopy(self._filters) new_obj._limit = self._limit new_obj._offset = self._offset return new_obj def _dehydrate_resources(self, obj): """Iterate through object and replace all objects with their ids.""" if isinstance(obj, BaseResource): return if isinstance(obj, dict): return {key: self._dehydrate_resources(value) for key, value in obj.items()} if self._non_string_iterable(obj): return [self._dehydrate_resources(element) for element in obj] return obj def _add_filter(self, filter_): """Add filtering parameters.""" for key, value in filter_.items(): # 'sample' is called 'entity' in the backend. key = key.replace("sample", "entity") value = self._dehydrate_resources(value) if self._non_string_iterable(value): value = ",".join(map(str, value)) if self.resource.query_method == "GET": self._filters[key].append(value) elif self.resource.query_method == "POST": self._filters[key] = value else: raise NotImplementedError( "Unsupported query_method: {}".format(self.resource.query_method) ) def _compose_filters(self): """Convert filters to dict and add pagination filters.""" filters = self._filters if self._limit is not None: filters["limit"] = self._limit if self._offset is not None: filters["offset"] = self._offset return dict(filters) def _populate_resource(self, data): """Populate resource with given data.""" return self.resource(resolwe=self.resolwe, **data) def _fetch(self): """Make request to the server and populate cache.""" if self._cache is not None: # Already fetched. return filters = self._compose_filters() if self.resource.query_method == "GET": items = self.api.get(**filters) elif self.resource.query_method == "POST": items = else: raise NotImplementedError( "Unsupported query_method: {}".format(self.resource.query_method) ) # Extract data from paginated response if isinstance(items, dict) and "results" in items: self._count = items["count"] items = items["results"] # Store count when list of objects is received without limit. if isinstance(items, list) and self._limit is None: self._count = len(items) self._cache = [self._populate_resource(data) for data in items]
[docs] def clear_cache(self): """Clear cache.""" self._cache = None self._count = None
[docs] def count(self): """Return number of objects in current query.""" if self._count is None: count_query = self._clone() count_query._offset = 0 count_query._limit = 1 count_query._fetch() self._count = count_query._count if self._limit is None: return self._count remaining = self._count - self._offset return max(0, min(self._limit, remaining))
[docs] def get(self, *args, **kwargs): """Get object that matches given parameters. If only one non-keyworded argument is given, it is considered as id if it is number and as slug otherwise. :param uid: unique identifier - ID or slug :type uid: int for ID or string for slug :rtype: object of type self.resource :raises ValueError: if non-keyworded and keyworded arguments are combined or if more than one non-keyworded argument is given :raises LookupError: if none or more than one objects are returned """ if args: if len(args) > 1: raise ValueError("Only one non-keyworded argument can be given") if kwargs: raise ValueError( "Non-keyworded arguments cannot be combined with keyworded ones." ) arg = args[0] kwargs = {"id": arg} if isinstance(arg, int) else {self.slug_field: arg} if self.slug_field in kwargs: if issubclass(self.resource, (Process, DescriptorSchema)): kwargs["ordering"] = kwargs.get("ordering", "-version") kwargs["limit"] = kwargs.get("limit", 1) new_query = self._clone() new_query._add_filter(kwargs) response = list(new_query) if not response: raise LookupError("Matching object does not exist.") if len(response) > 1: raise LookupError("get() returned more than one object.") return response[0]
[docs] def create(self, **model_data): """Return new instance of current resource.""" resource = self.resource(self.resolwe, **model_data) return resource
[docs] def filter(self, **filters): """Return clone of current query with added given filters.""" new_query = self._clone() new_query._add_filter(filters) return new_query
[docs] def delete(self, force=False): """Delete objects in current query. :param bool force: Do not trigger confirmation prompt. WARNING: Be sure that you really know what you are doing as deleted objects are not recoverable. """ if force is not True: user_input = input(self.resource.delete_warning_bulk.format(self.count())) if user_input.strip().lower() != "y": return for obj in self: obj.delete(force=True) self.clear_cache()
[docs] def all(self): """Return copy of the current queryset. This is handy function to get newly created query without any filters. """ return self._clone()
[docs] def search(self, text): """Full text search.""" if not self.resource.full_search_paramater: raise NotImplementedError() new_query = self._clone() new_query._add_filter({self.resource.full_search_paramater: text}) return new_query
[docs] def iterate(self, chunk_size=100, show_progress=False): """ Iterate through query. This can come handy when one wishes to iterate through hundreds or thousands of objects and would otherwise get "504 Gateway-timeout". The method cannot be used together with the following filters: limit, offset and ordering, and will raise a ``ValueError``. """ # For simplicity, let's assume that this method will only be used when # limit and offset are not used as query parameters. We can relax # these limitations at some later point. Also, ordering is # prohibited for now. if self._limit is not None: raise ValueError( "Parameter 'limit' should not be used in combination with method iterate." ) if self._offset is not None: raise ValueError( "Parameter 'offset' should not be used in combination with method iterate." ) if "ordering" in self._filters: raise ValueError( "Specifying order in combination with method iterate is not allowed." ) count = self.count() iterate_query = self._clone() min_id = 0 obj_count = 0 with tqdm.tqdm(total=count, disable=not show_progress) as pbar: while obj_count < count: for obj in iterate_query.filter( id__gt=min_id, limit=chunk_size, ordering="id" ): obj_count += 1 min_id = pbar.update(1) yield obj
class AnnotationFieldQuery(ResolweQuery): """Add additional method to the annotation field query.""" def from_path(self, full_path: str) -> "AnnotationField": """Get the AnnotationField from full path. :raises LookupError: when field at the specified path does not exist. """ group_name, field_name = full_path.split(".", maxsplit=1) return self.get(name=field_name, group__name=group_name) class AnnotationValueQuery(ResolweQuery): """Populate Annotation fields with a single query.""" def _fetch(self): """Make request to the server and populate cache. Fetch all values and their fields with 2 queries. """ # Execute the query in a single request. super()._fetch() missing = collections.defaultdict(list) for value in self._cache: if value._field is None: missing[value.field_id].append(value) if missing: # Get corresponding annotation field details in a single query and attach it to # the values. for field in self.resolwe.annotation_field.filter(id__in=missing.keys()): for value in missing[]: value._field = field value._original_values["field"] = field._original_values